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Frequently asked questions about products.

4 frequently asked questions

An effective treatment of athlete’s foot and fungal nail consists of Intensive Foot Bath® combined with Nail Drops®, Shoe Deo® and Intensive Foot Cream®.

Example of a treatment in the first week:

  • Intensive Foot Bath twice a week, in the evening for example.
  • Nail Drops once a day, in the morning for example.
  • Shoe Deo, once per day, in the evening for example.
  • Intensive Foot Cream once or twice a day, for example in the norming before Nail Drops or in the evening after Intensive Foot Bath.
There is no product that will permanently relieve you of athlete’s foot and fungal nails. Fungi are micro-organisms are present everywhere. We eat and drink and inhale them all day long. They live both in and on our skins. What does Disinall actually do then? Intensive Foot Bath® kills the fungi, strengthens the immune system and cares for the skin. This gets you rid of athlete’s foot and fungal nails faster and longer compared to other products.
We recommend a combined treatment of Sports® and Intensive Foot Cream®. In addition, it is also advisable to routinely spray the sports shoes thoroughly with Shoe Deo®.
Cracked skin appears as areas where the skin has cracked open. This can often be painful, particularly between the toes. The cause of this is either dry skin or damp skin. Dry skin can be exacerbated by dry air or cold wind. The elasticity of the skin is reduced, and this results in cracking. In the case of damp skin, the cracked skin is caused by excessive sweating or as a result of long contact with water. The best treatment for this to combine Intensive Foot Bath® and Intensive Foot Cream®.

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