Improve blood circulation in feet with Sports
Foot bath to treat athlete’s foot, foot odour, and to improve blood flow to the (tired or swollen) (sports) feet.
Scientifically proven results
Sports has an antimicrobial effect and kills the fungus and bacteria that cause the foul odour. Sports washes waste products away and ensures enhanced circulation for optimally fit feet to improve sports performance.
Oxinall® formula is a powerful blend of natural antiseptic, antimicrobial and care substances, such as Eucalyptus.
Instructions for use
A foot bath consists of two litres of lukewarm tap water and 50 ml Sports. Athlete’s foot, foot odour, and improved blood flow should be treated with a foot bath for 15 minutes twice a week. Take a cold foot bath for swollen feet.
Side effects
Sports has been tested extensively in the laboratory and in practice. In very rare cases, the user may experience hypersensitivity to one or more components.
Bottle of 300 ml (6 x foot bath).
Keep Sports out of reach of children and store in a cool, dark place. Dry the outside surface of the bottle thoroughly after use. Date of minimum durability Sports see label on bottle.
Advice for diabetics and rheumatic patients
Improve blood circulation with an adjusted dosage and duration of the foot bath. For example, 25 ml Sports for a foot bath of up to 5 minutes. Preferably under the supervision of a medical pedicurist. If this treatment is effective, the dosage and duration could be increased.
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