We are going to give you 5 tips for sexy feet. Because no doubt you are already noticing the temperatures. There is even talk of a heat wave. Summer has begun! The exams are now behind us. Secretly we are all looking forward to our vacation. Maybe you have booked a nice stay at a campsite in Croatia. Or are you spending 2 months sweating, drinking beers and jumping to the beats of every possible rousing song at numerous popular festivals. Surrounded by friends, acquaintances and family. Or do you mainly want to soak up a good dose of culture this summer and book as many city trips as possible: Barcelona, New York, Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, London, …
Anyway. One thing is certain. You want to look extra sexy this summer. No, you haven’t been exercising extra hard these past few months for nothing. An hour’s jog in the park. Toiling away here and there during a marathon. Swapped an evening on the couch for a brisk walk in the woods. Nothing was too much for you to fine-tune that “killer body. Even that detox helped. Slim line? Check. Beach wavesinyour hair? Double check. Yes, you’ve really done everything you can to be “bikiniproof” this summer.
So, what else can go wrong to get extra noticed in the coming months? Right. Your feet. Strange but true, they are often treated stepmotherly. Worse, they are simply ignored. Therefore, in this blog we would like to give some tips to give your feet extra attention and make them sexy this summer. In short, here are 5 tips for sexy feet:
TIP 1: Foot candy, frivolous jewelry around your ankle
Tell me. Such a cheerful chain around your ankle with azure shells, beige starfish, silver anchors or lime green turtles: it immediately gives your foot a distinctive look. Pair it with a stylish sandal and you are all set for a sultry summer. A summer look is only complete with the right accessories: a colorful belt, large, tinkling earrings or discreet pearls, shiny bracelets and a flashy watch … It’s all part of the deal. So why not give your ankle (and foot) that extra attention?
TIP 2: Stylish toe rings
Who says rings are only for fingers? A ring can be pretty cool around one or more toes. At least if you choose the right toe ring. That is, one that fits perfectly on your toe and matches your skin tone and the size of your toe. Admittedly: in the beginning it might take a little bit of adjusting. After all, a toe ring like this is kind of a strange feeling. But if you choose the right gem, you’ll definitely get used to it in no time. Will it be a fine jewel with a beautiful stone? Or a flashy one? You choose.
TIP 3: Gel nails
Why only care for the nails of your fingers? A lot of ladies consciously choose false nails, gel nails, gelish or nail polish when it comes to the nails of their hands. But hey! What’s wrong with beautiful, well-groomed nails on your toes? A trendy color on your toenails instantly turns your feet into giant eye-catchers. Moreover, during the summer you can go all out when it comes to colors. Frivolous yellow, soft pink, bright white, striking orange or bright red. It’s all possible. Even fluorescent colors are allowed! Combined with a sandy brown skin, all eyes will undoubtedly be on you.
TIP 4: Hip sandals
You name it, it exists. Sandals with a heel and tiger print, flat sandals with beads, fringes or tassels, shiny toe sandals, silver or gold sandals with plenty of bling. The choice is enormous. The right sandal for every outfit. That’s what it’s all about. For a brisk walk, you choose a comfortable hiking shoe, right? And when it rains, don’t you spontaneously put on your boots? So why not buy that beautiful pair of sandals this summer? A woman can never have too many shoes. Only too few wardrobes :-).
TIP 5: High heels with a bow
High heels, that’s the secret. At least when it comes to a seductive look. A shoe with a high heel immediately gives a completely different look. And especially if it’s a special heel. For example, how about a high heel with a giant bow at the back or on the side? Or some other eye-catching decoration? Success guaranteed! The above 5 tips for sexy feet are of course beautiful.
But one thing is for sure. Sexy feet don’t just come from trendy accessories, the latest gel color or the most expensive stiletto heels. Feeling sexy starts with a healthy lifestyle. More specifically, healthy eating. If you take enough calcium and vitamin D, you automatically radiate that. Yes, even your feet can show when they get the right nutrients. Looking good on the outside, starts on the inside. You are what you eat. A deadpan statement, but unfortunately it is true. Finally, consistent foot care is an absolute must to keep your feet looking healthy. As a manufacturer of foot care products, we realize this all too well.
That’s why you can always turn to Disinall Foot Care for all kinds of top-quality foot care products. Do you have an annoying foot problem? Or do you not immediately find the right product? Don’t hesitate to ask for our professional help. We will gladly give you advice.