A walking vacation: exploring the Netherlands or part of Europe on foot. What a freedom! Whether you go hiking out of religious conviction, to experience a sustainable vacation or because you want to find yourself again: only with healthy feet will you experience that most beautiful hiking vacation.
The best hiking trails in the Netherlands
You can make a walking vacation as short or long as you like! Sometimes you have little time or you do not yet dare to go on a very long walking vacation. Then you prefer a short walk. And there is plenty to choose from!
City trips
You can easily think of a city break as a short, local walking vacation. Healthy feet really are a must for this! Because even though the distances are often shorter and you have plenty of resting points (or cafes and stores) on your route, the strolling can be quite a strain on your feet.
Tip: explore the city on your own with a walking app or city map. Find the best city trips at home with Time to Momo.
Prefer a local expert? With a guide you’ll get to the nicest, unexpected places you’ll sometimes never find as a tourist!
Nature walks
Those who prefer to spend their free time in the beautiful nature of the Netherlands can enjoy their hiking heart with routes through the forests, across the heaths and in the dunes. Through Natuurmonumenten and Staatsbosbeheer you can find all kinds of beautiful hiking trails where you can wander for hours and marvel at the beauty of our nature.
Keep in mind wet sections on your route and bring extra dry socks and a towel to dry your feet in between walks. Simple things that will help you keep healthy feet during your hiking vacation.
Extra water, some food and your blister plasters may also be a regular part of your hiking gear.
Tip: bring a healthy picnic and enjoy your time in nature extra. Also, don’t forget to take photos, this way you will create precious memories for later.
Long walking vacation for the really healthy feet!
As a hiking enthusiast, you’ve probably heard of it before: the path to Santiago de Compostela. This walking route (also suitable for cyclists) takes you step by step from for example Friesland or Groningen to the place of pilgrimage. From the Netherlands it is about 2400 km (depending where you start of course) to Santiago. So you have to take some time for it …
A pilgrimage that thousands of people undertake every year; many because of their faith, others to (re)find themselves. Is it something for you?
Tip: there are several routes you can map out to get to Santiago de Compostela. Choose your own route along points and through countries you would like to see on your hiking vacation.
Here’s how to ensure healthy feet during your hiking vacation
Your feet are put under considerable strain during your hiking vacation, which is why proper foot care is very important. This way you give yourself the best care before, during and after your hikes!
Preparing for your hiking vacation
Make sure you have good walking shoes. These are shoes that properly support your feet. No two pairs of feet are alike, so a visit to a specialized hiking store is wise. Good walking shoes really are a must to maintain healthy feet during your hiking vacation!
Train your feet and the rest of your body by walking various distances before your hiking vacation. This will allow you to break in your new hiking boots right away.
Foot care during your hiking vacation
Wear good hiking socks. This will give your feet support during (long) walks.
Also, don’t keep walking in wet socks for too long; if you have an opportunity along the way change to a pair of dry socks. Otherwise, take off the wet gear as soon as possible when you arrive at your destination. This will prevent blisters and foot fungus.
Drink plenty of water and take rest along the way. Water keeps your entire body well hydrated during your exercise, which is beneficial to your overall health.
Healthy feet after your hiking vacation
At the end of each hike, let your hiking boots air dry and ventilate well. This will keep your shoes fresh and strong.
You pamper your feet by soaking them in a lukewarm bath, to which you add 50 ml of Voetherstel Optimaal. Then dry them completely and finish your foot care by rubbing your feet nicely with Voetherstel Crème.
Enjoy your hiking vacation
Good preparation does wonders for the best experience of your hiking vacation, whether it’s a short or long route you’re going to walk. For example, also consider a suitable backpack, in which you will carry extra socks, sunscreen, water, some food and blister plasters.
Your feet are your means of transportation during such a vacation, so take good care of them.